1973 Old Students mark 50th year anniversary of graduation from St.Lawrence’s Grammar School, Present ICT Equipments to Alma Mater

The St Lawrence’s Grammar School Old Students SLOSA 1973 set on Tuesday presented some ICT Equipments comprising of Laptop 5th generation, 8Gig ram.( Can download Educational and Teaching materials videos), Acer Projector 4000 lumen, A Projector Drop 6ft × 6ft Screen , A Speaker , UPS to support the equipment MTN moderm to access Internet to the school management and Students

The Delegation of the Old Students including Bayo Jimoh, Tonade Makinwa, Peter Ajayi, Dele Ogunjube, and Gabriel Ayeyan said the token was part of activities to commemorate the 50th year anniversary of graduating from St Lawrence’s Grammar School Ilesa.

IjesaNews Gathered that The ceremony was witnessed by selected students and staff of the school .

Meanwhile, Mr Sunday Adewusi, the Publisher of IjesaNews and Love Nigeria who is part of SLOSA 83 set rejoiced with the 1973 set saying if all other old students of the school can continue in this manner, it will go a long way to improve the educational standard of St Lawrence’s Grammar School, Ilesa which will enable the citadel of learning to compete with federal government sponsored institutions across Osun State and Nigeria

Sunday Adewusi

He said “Quite thoughtful and timely! God bless you all.

“Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of your graduation from St.Lawrence,s Grammar School! The Lord will keep and preserve everyone of you for many more joyous years of celebration, in Jesus Mighty Name!

IjesaNews Recalls that The Old Students on September 30th 2023 commissioned landmark sport facilities in the School Premises.

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