Birthday: Alamuye of Amuye-Faforiji Felicitates Commissioner For Local Government And Chieftaincy Affairs Hon. (Barr.) Dosu Babatunde

The Alamuye of Amuye-Faforiji, Oba Dr Adebayo Faforiji Oteniara III has congratulated the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Barrister Dosu Babatunde on the auspicious occasion of his birthday anniversary.

The Monarch in a statement personally signed and issued to newsmen said “On behalf of the good people of Amuye-Faforiji, Atakunmosa East Local Government Area of Osun State I, Oba Dr Adebayo Faforiji Oteniara III, Alamuye of Amuye-Faforiji wish the Honourable Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs in Osun State, Barrister Dosu Babatunde a Happy Birthday.

Your leadership and administrative prowess gives direction and we appreciate your efforts aimed at ensuring quality governance is delivered at the grassroot.

I wish you more fruitful and prosperous years ahead.

I congratulate you for the grace of almighty God upon your life through whom you are a beneficiary of a new age; a testament of his divine love and grace upon you.

We pray that God almighty will continue to keep you guided, guarded and filled with sound health as you journey the race of another purposeful new age. Amen

Continue to remain a defender of Justice, crusader for good governance and a true image of His Excellency Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke through the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs under your watch.

Signed: Oba Dr Adebayo Faforiji Oteniara III,

Alamuye of Amuye-Faforiji.

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